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- 2024 CONFERENCE — 3 comments
ABOUT THE PRESENTATION Uncertainty is inherent to, and ubiquitous in, healthcare practices. Yet practical guidance on how to navigate uncertainty remains largely underexplored. This session draws from findings from the low back pain literature specifically, and the healthcare literature more broadly, to stimulate the audience to both critically reflect about how we navigate uncertainty and …
ABOUT THE COURSE This workshop is dedicated to working with the myofascial system of the torso. Injury, poor postural patterns and over use compensations are only a few of the reasons for discomfort in our upper body. Other conditions that affect breathing are also part of the picture. Working with the myofascial system helps bring …
ABOUT THE COURSE A Bioplasticity Perspective! This isn’t a typical crossed syndrome course! That’s so 1980’s! Let’s modernize how we approach posture. Let’s delve into the plethora of postural perspectives. We’ll look into the history of posture, who, what, when, where why and how it came to be what it is now. We’ll dispel upper/lower …
ABOUT THE COURSE Knowledge of Temporomandibular Joint and its applied anatomy is of utmost importance in treating jaw pain and dysfunction. The following workshop is centered around the concepts involved in external and intraoral treatment of TMJ issues: anatomy and mechanics of the TMJ and associated structures, palpation of anatomical structures relevant to treatment, identify …
ABOUT THE COURSE This course was designed for those of us looking for a SIMPLER way to treat. Stop chasing the lateral shoulder pain. Learn how dysfunctions medially can contribute to and cause issues in the tissues elsewhere. Get a better understanding of how the ligamentous/membranous connections communicate and influence dysfunctions of their patients. This …
ABOUT THE COURSE Join BetsyAnn Baron and discover how myofascial imbalances in the legs can cause minor and major roadblocks to healthy and fluid movement throughout the entire body. Freeing the imbalances caused by myofascial stiffness and tethering in the lower body allow for more efficient muscle use and strengthening, improved breathing patterns and renewed …
ABOUT THE COURSE Assessment & Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine and Pelvis will review the musculoskeletal anatomy of the area, and the most common injuries associated with the region. You will develop a hands on systematic assessment protocol to determine the extent and cause of the injury. Rehabilitation strategies will also be discussed. This is …
ABOUT THE COURSE Joint mobilizations are one of the most effective tools a Manual Therapist can use in the course of treating various conditions. However, joint mobilizations are among one of the most misunderstood concepts in some education and training programs, leaving this valuable skill underutilized. Some educational programs barely scratch the surface when it …
ABOUT THE PRESENTATION The focus of this course is on how to incorporate an evidence-based clinical reasoning framework into your massage therapy treatments. By the end of the course you will be able to: Distinguishing between the role of tissue health, biomechanics, sensory mechanisms and psychosocial factors and these influences on the person’s experience …
Fibromyalgia and the Invisible Diseases ABOUT THE PRESENTATION Fibromyalgia is the second most common diagnosis of musculoskeletal pain, but its etiology remains elusive. Further, it overlaps several other conditions, leading to confusing signs and contradictory treatment options. This webinar covers the definition, demographics, etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment options, and role of massage for the …